What is Mollusca? write its Charateristics and Classification with examples


Mollusca, commonly known as mollusks, is a diverse phylum of invertebrate animals that includes a wide range of organisms such as snails, clams, octopuses, and squids. They are found in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats around the world. Mollusca is the second-largest phylum in the animal kingdom, comprising over 60,000 recognized species.

Characteristics of Mollusca:

1. Soft-bodied: Mollusks have soft, unsegmented bodies that are often protected by a hard outer shell. However, some mollusks, like slugs and octopuses, have reduced or absent shells.
2. Bilaterally symmetrical: They exhibit bilateral symmetry, meaning their bodies can be divided into two similar halves along a central axis.
3. Mantle: Mollusks have a specialized tissue called the mantle, which secretes the shell in shell-bearing species and plays a role in respiration and locomotion.
4. Foot: Most mollusks possess a muscular foot, which is used for locomotion, attachment, or burrowing.
5. Radula: Many mollusks have a rasping tongue-like structure called a radula, used for scraping or tearing food particles.
6. Open circulatory system: Mollusks have an open circulatory system, with a heart that pumps hemolymph (a fluid similar to blood) into the body cavity.
7. Nervous system: They possess a simple nervous system, with ganglia and nerve cords, but some cephalopods (e.g., octopuses) have highly developed nervous systems.

Classification of Mollusca:

Mollusca is divided into several major classes, each exhibiting unique characteristics. Some of the significant classes include:

1. Gastropoda: This class includes snails and slugs. They typically have a coiled shell, a muscular foot for locomotion, and a head with sensory tentacles.

2. Bivalvia: Bivalves comprise clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops. They possess a two-part hinged shell and use their specialized gills for filter feeding.

3. Cephalopoda: This class consists of highly intelligent marine animals such as squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish. They have a well-developed head, large eyes, and tentacles with suckers.

4. Polyplacophora: Commonly known as chitons, these mollusks have a shell composed of eight overlapping plates and a muscular foot for locomotion.

5. Scaphopoda: Scaphopods, also called tusk shells, are a small class of mollusks with tubular shells open at both ends. They are usually found buried in the sediment.
Class Examples
Gastropoda Snails, slugs, conchs, nudibranchs
Bivalvia Clams, mussels, oysters, scallops
Cephalopoda Squids, octopuses, cuttlefish, nautiluses
Polyplacophora Chitons
Scaphopoda Tusk shells
Monoplacophora Neopilina
Solenogastres Solenogasters
Caudofoveata Chaetodermomorpha
Aplacophora Worm-like mollusks
These are just a few examples of the diverse classes within the phylum Mollusca. Each class further contains numerous species with their own unique adaptations and characteristics.



Q: What is Mollusca?

Mollusca is a diverse phylum of invertebrate animals that includes creatures such as snails, slugs, clams, squids, and octopuses.

Q: What are the characteristics of Mollusca?

Characteristics of Mollusca include:

  • Bilaterally symmetrical body
  • Soft body often enclosed in a hard shell (although some species lack shells)
  • Mantle, a fold of tissue that secretes the shell in shelled species
  • Radula, a unique feeding organ found in most species
  • Presence of a muscular foot or tentacles
  • Open circulatory system
  • Well-developed nervous system
Q: What are the classes of Mollusca and examples of each?

Mollusca is divided into several classes. Here are a few along with examples:

  • Class Gastropoda: Examples include snails (e.g., garden snail - Helix aspersa) and slugs (e.g., banana slug - Ariolimax dolichophallus).
  • Class Bivalvia: Examples include clams (e.g., quahog - Mercenaria mercenaria) and mussels (e.g., blue mussel - Mytilus edulis).
  • Class Cephalopoda: Examples include squids (e.g., common squid - Loligo vulgaris) and octopuses (e.g., common octopus - Octopus vulgaris).
  • Class Polyplacophora: Example includes chitons (e.g., giant Pacific chiton - Cryptochiton stelleri).
  • Class Scaphopoda: Example includes tusk shells (e.g., dentalium shell - Dentalium elephantinum).
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